What Are the First Signs of Balding

Balding can be a complicated process, and it can be hard to tell when it’s first starting. There are a few early signs of balding that you can look out for, which can help you prepare for the process. Keep an eye out for thinning hair, receding hairlines, and increased hair shedding. If you notice any of these changes, you should talk to your doctor to see if you’re starting to bald.

  1. Your Hair Is Thinner

One of the first signs of balding is thinner hair. If your hair used to be thick and now it’s much thinner, this is a sign that you might be starting to bald. If your hair is falling out in clumps or if you can see your scalp through your hair, this is also a sign of balding.

  1. Your Hairline Is Receding

Another sign of balding is a receding hairline. If your hairline is moving further and further back on your head, this is a sign that you might be starting to bald. This is a sign of severe balding if your hairline is very far back or if you have a U-shaped hairline.

  1. You’re Shedding More Hair

If you’re shedding more hair than usual, this is also a sign of balding. Everyone sheds hair every day, but if you’re shedding more hair than usual or finding clumps of hair in your brush, this is a sign that you might be balding.

  1. You Start to See More of Your Scalp

If you can look in the mirror and see more scalp than hair, you’re starting to be bald. If you part your hair, you should only be able to see a small amount of scalp. If you can see large patches of scalp, you’re starting to bald.

  1. You Have a Family History of Balding

If you have any family members who are bald or have gone bald, you may be at risk for hair loss. If your father or grandfather went bald, there’s a chance that you might start to lose your hair as well. While there’s no guarantee that you’ll go bald if your relatives do, it’s something to be aware of. If you start noticing any thinning or receding of your hairline, you must see a doctor or dermatologist to rule out any underlying health conditions.

  1. Your Forehead Is Bigger

Some other signs of hair loss include thinning hair, receding hairlines, and bald spots. If you notice any of these changes in your own hair, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

  1. You Find More Hair on Your Pillow

You may find more hair on your pillow than you’re used to. This is a sign that you’re losing more hair than normal. You may be losing up to 100 strands of hair per day! If this is the case, don’t panic. It’s perfectly normal to lose some hair daily as part of the natural growth cycle. However, if you’re concerned about excessive hair loss, there are a few things you can do to help promote healthy hair growth and prevent further shedding.


The first signs of balding can vary from person to person. For some, it may be a receding hairline or thinning hair on the crown of the head. Others may notice more hair in their brush or clumps of hair in the shower drain. If you are concerned about hair loss, it is best to consult a dermatologist or other hair loss specialist.

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